I practice talking sometimes.

It's a little funny that way: I've worked over the air before, but I have such little confidence in my voice. I stutter. My lips or teeth or jaw have always felt awkward, and I'd even seen a speech therapist when I was young. The braces didn't help, and the full implications of "JAW SURGERY" hit me all at once about a month before it was supposed to happen. I'm also first-generation Canadian, and my parents have never been great with English. I don't know if that's why I took to music and drawing and literature and Math so eagerly.

I've always had a thing for expression, for communication. Anyone who knows me will also know I have a crush on Math for that very reason--among others.

I love that, in Math, any aspect of life or any thought can be modeled using these strange symbols and even stranger rules, both of which can be taught to anyone; ideas can be communicated, proven, or disproven, and even improved upon by any number of people also seeking to find the most perfect expressions.

It's a whole community devoted to perfect universal truths.

... Hehe!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Art and Stuff

I realized, the other day, that I'm not making as much art as I would like. And since Autumn passed me by uncaptured (by camera and canvass), I decided the next piece I do will be "epic" and about Autumn! Here's a "sketch" I've made of it in Flash MX.

(I still can't believe Adobe bought Flash... The version I use still says "Macromedia Flash MX" on it.)

New Loading Screen on Intro to Epsilons and Deltas

Also shown here.

Epsilons and Deltas is a little animation that I've been working on for about a year. It's a short story about Math and Love. Awwww. It also features two girls, a strip from xkcd, and La Campanella by Franz Liszt.

The old loading screen didn't have red-bowtie-girl running along the loading bar; she just stationary-ran beside the percent-loaded display, and it looked a little tacky. This one has a nicer "floaty" and "Ooh, numbers!" feel to it, which I don't mind at all! But, we'll see if I can even still improve it...

Other Stuff

My eldest brother went back to school in January, and has asked me to help him out with derivatives! I think I'll do another of those Flash tutorials like in the previous post.

He's also sending over a box of goodies from Germany! There'll be Lebkuchen, my favourite kind, with the candied orange peel inside and wafer on the bottom and either dusted lightly with powdered sugar or coated in chocolate! Mmmm! Also, a digital camera and computer gear!


Nov 01
I'm Employee of the Month! Hoorays, I guess!
Nov 05 (today!)
Grocery shopping. Hells yeah.
Work at the Reserves tonight. Hells yeah...
Should call the bakery to pre-order special bagels.
Should drop by the library to return Dragons in the Water by Madeline l'Engle; and take out another Origami book and Math book.
Nov 06
Meet up with the teacher to lend him the entire S4 Pre-Calculus curriculum... I'm wary of lending that to anyone, and of all people, him...
Should swing by the bakery for more bagels... Mmm, pumpernickel bagels...
Also hoping to spend some good time with my best friend Eric!
Should also swing by the Rainbow Pride group at the university. I haven't been there in ages--mostly because I'm trying to avoid someone.
Nov 09
Kevin's birthday party, at last!
Nov 10
Homo Hop, a queer-oriented social. I'm not sure if I'll go... We'll see.

That's all for now. I should get some work done today.
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