I practice talking sometimes.

It's a little funny that way: I've worked over the air before, but I have such little confidence in my voice. I stutter. My lips or teeth or jaw have always felt awkward, and I'd even seen a speech therapist when I was young. The braces didn't help, and the full implications of "JAW SURGERY" hit me all at once about a month before it was supposed to happen. I'm also first-generation Canadian, and my parents have never been great with English. I don't know if that's why I took to music and drawing and literature and Math so eagerly.

I've always had a thing for expression, for communication. Anyone who knows me will also know I have a crush on Math for that very reason--among others.

I love that, in Math, any aspect of life or any thought can be modeled using these strange symbols and even stranger rules, both of which can be taught to anyone; ideas can be communicated, proven, or disproven, and even improved upon by any number of people also seeking to find the most perfect expressions.

It's a whole community devoted to perfect universal truths.

... Hehe!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Tonsils Et Cetera!

I went to the doctor yesterday to get a note for work, and, more importantly, to find out what I've been sick with!

I never thought tonsillitis would include fever/chills and aches; but when I stop to think about the lymph nodes, it makes more sense.


I took Kevin to the symphony on Friday. That was exciting!

During the Adagio, he started "fishing"--dozing with his head falling down and then pulling back up suddenly and repeating. And because he was nodding maybe 30 centimetres deep, I thought I'd save him from hitting his head on the people in front of him, by resting my head on his shoulder. Unfortunately he didn't realize he was supposed to lean back on me, so I had to manually tilt his head for him.

Tehee. He smells nice.


Kay, so this is the (apparently) mandatory rant about my dating history and shit.


My first boyfriend happened in grade ten.

He had issues that he never brought up; and apparently these ran pretty deep and he eventually went on meds and would have gone to some therapist if he weren't "too smart for therapy" or something. My first kiss was with him, and it was frightening and much too erotic.

Our relationship deteriorated into make-outs.

Then, he disappeared. Seriously. He didn't come to class, and we couldn't talk. And anyway, we had only really talked through MSN anyway. And we also broke up through MSN. It was about 01:00 by the time I had asked him whether this was something we could work out or if we had to stop; and we had a Trigonometry test in the morning. I remember typing: "Damn. And we were so fucking happy. Well, I'm going to sleep so I can fail that Trig test with class." And then he typed: "Goodbye."

I think, maybe this is when I realized I would love Math so much.

I was so fuckin' angry at him for being so cool and fuckin' un-hurt, that I got 103% on that Trigonometry test.

It took so long before I could even function as a human being again. I was crazy with hurt. Not pain--because this was back when I was somewhat masochistic--hurt. Pain is a sensation. Hurt is a feeling.

Mostly, it was because nothing made sense--he fuckin' disappeared! Who the fuck does that?! How is that even possible?! He had said he loved me, we were so happy together. I understood for the first time what "puppy love" was. And then he disappeared?!

I realized, partially, what had happened. We had dipped into the erotic without anything to support it. We had no relationship, just make-outs.
Ever since then, I've been afraid of kissing.

My next two relationships collapsed for similar reasons.

With Mark, it was because I got scared shitless that I was now involved with someone and that he might vanish at any second, so I started doing stupid things that I never would have done otherwise. I became that teasy, touchy and coy "girlfriend" that I'd always hated. And, again, we had no relationship to stand on; so we broke up. And then we were both crazy so we tried getting back together a week later. That lasted less than 72 hours. We're now best buds!

With James--and I don't mean to blame him, but, he is illegible; completely unresponsive and unexpressive. And somehow he's in Theatre. I don't get it, I really don't. He's cute, and I fell for him because he came to me, and because we shared Honours Calculus. Seriously.

It was while I was going with him that I found out I have borderline hypothyroidism. Just borderline. I am chemically, just slightly depressed. And there was nothing he could do about it--which, I think, took him a while to figure out, because he'd try to "cheer me up" sometimes.

Of course, we were "happiest" when snuggling, and we had no relationship to back up our snuggling, so it became only snuggling. And I'm a Scorpio, and need emotional depth; I need to know what's going on in my lover's head, what sie's thinking and feeling and what sie wants and needs. I need to be able to affect hir.

In short: Charissa is afraid of kissing.

My co-worker has this t-shirt. It says, "Spooning leads to forking." Of course, I have to add, "Forking leads to--KNIFING!"


Mark and I were talking about Kevin tonight--among other things, of course. He said that Kevin is just "book-smart" and has no emotional depth, nor personality, nor anything interesting about him.

But, he does have something else going for him. Kevin observes people. He studies people--maybe not as much as I (used to) do. Still, he can do amazing and convincing things with his body, because of it.

And--though maybe it's naive--I think that a person can only study people's movements for so long until sie develops intuition and emotional depth.

Kevin is very cerebral--which I love, generally. He's cerebral, and expressive, and sane. There's not much else I could ask for and reasonably expect to get!

[post abandoned]

Friday, February 22, 2008


Kay, so one of my buds started talking about 300 again.

E--- (1:01 AM):
it's a guy movie
Me (1:01 AM):
haha, aye
E--- (1:01 AM):
We all want to be warriors
in some way :P
Me (1:01 AM):
Really? Explain!
E--- (1:02 AM):
are you serious
Me (1:02 AM):
Well, in what way do guys want to be "warriors"?
E--- (1:03 AM):
we have a natural drive to become physically fit and protect our women :P
thats as basic as I can make it
Me (1:03 AM):
;P Are you saying I'm incapable of understanding something that isn't basic?
E--- (1:03 AM):
im saying im lazy
Me (1:03 AM):
:P Just foolin'
Why do guys want to "protect" women?
From what do we need protection?
E--- (1:04 AM):
in this day, nothing
we feel that protecting you is a way of showing we love :P
E--- (1:05 AM):
it's a natural thing, or even just doing silly stuff like opening the pickle jar haha
Me (1:05 AM):
Hmmm, okay
E--- (1:06 AM):
im not in a relationship right now so I don't really want to protect anyone
from the invisible monsters
I don't know how to explain it :\
a natural urge to take charge ?
I don't know about women but men like to work out because they get a feeling of invincibility
as well as extreme satisfaction
I wonder, what do women "need" to be protected from?

Seriously, the first thing that came to my market-researcher-mind was "Protect against leaks and odours!"

I want to make a movie called "The Cycle of Bloodshed" and have it totally be about menstruation. Seriously. Here's a teaser:

You can also view it here.

[post abandoned]


Monday, February 18, 2008


I went to Perkins with Mark again, and used the ladies' room while I was waiting. A girl came in. She looked at me, exited, and came back a few seconds later. That was hilarious.
Legfest II
So, by now, everyone knows I have Boobfest, which is a collection of drawings of the naked female figure, more specifically, the upper body.

I also want to study legs and hips, because I've never been able to represent poses properly--they always seem off, somehow. So I decided I'd study legs next.

Highschool Art

Back in highschool, we studied the human figure, too. More specifically, hands and feet. Here are a few of my studies:

Man, I wish I had abs like that again!


I've been calling in sick for Army, so there's not much else to cover; except that my BMQ/SQ will be from the end of April to the end of June. Woo.


I got to fill in for the Calc teacher on 02-Feb and 09-Feb. I guess I forgot to write about it.

02 Feb
This was a disaster. Alan didn't leave any materials and didn't even e-mail me the topics he wanted covered! I was a nervous wreck. And, of course, the principal came in and started correcting my technique and--horrible mess!

09 Feb
This was much better. I realized that even though it's a terribly small class (ten or eleven), the kids don't talk to eachother, they don't know eachother. I opened with a silly ice-breaker game involving throwing things.

Walked them through a related rates problem.

Then I ranted about Math, which I'm good at doing!

Talked about proofs and what they are; did a very quick walk through Relativity (assume that the speed of light is always constant; can mathematically prove time/space distortion near the speed of light!); One Million Beans problem and proof; introduced the (extended) Monty Hall Problem... Just a nice glance at how awesome Math is--although I probably should have included Maxwell's Equations in there... Dang it!

I mean--how awesome is that! This guy just played around with equations, realized he needed two constants so used Epsilon-nought and Mu-nought; and when finally needed to figure out their values so he could find the speed of electric waves and magnetic waves--he gets the friggin' SPEED OF LIGHT. (Further reading)

Sleeeeepy time.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Involute of a Circle

I picked up my Calculus textbook again today, because I was having fun with polar curves and parametric equations.

Man, parametric equations still make me scratch my head sometimes! I get it, it just takes a while to really get what's going on.

Anywho. I came across this problem:


A string is wound around a circle and then unwound while being held taut. The curve traced by the point P at the end of the string is called the involute of the circle.

If the circle has a radius r and centre O and the initial position of P is (r, 0), and if the parameter θ is chosen as in the figure, show that the parametric equations of the involute are

I'm purposely leaving this out, because I can figure it out on my own, thank ye very much!

The problem also came with the diagram to the left (I made this in Graph but had to define r, so here, r=1).


The first thing I did was find the path of the point T.
x = r * cosθ
y = r * sinθ

To get the parametric equations for the path of P, something must be added or subtracted to the path of T.

Re-draw the figure as triangles:

The distance from T to P is the same as the arc length for an angle θ. So, that distance is
S = rθ = distance from T to P

I made some reference points:
C := the point on the radius, with same y-value as in point P
D := the point with the x-value of point T and the y-value from point P.
xp := distance along x-axis, from D to P. Add this to the path of T to get path of P.
yp := distance along y-axis, from T to C. Subtract this to the path of T to get path of P.

From these new references, start defining the parametric equations for path of P:
x = r * cosθ + xp
y = r * sinθ - yp.

Next determine the values of xp and yp using the right-hand triangle from above:

From here, we can divide the triangle along line TD to get a similar triangle:

From here, we get:
sinθ = xp / rθ
xp = rθ * sinθ

cosθ = yp / r
yp = rθ * cosθ.

Plug these back to get:
x = r * cosθ + r * θ * sinθ
x = r (cosθ + θ sinθ)

y = r * sinθ - r * θ * cosθ
y = r (sinθ - θ cos θ).

Thus, the parametric equations for the involute of this circle are:
x = r (cosθ + θ sinθ)
y = r (sinθ - θ cos θ).

When you graph it from 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2πr, it looks something like the blue curve (but here, r=1):


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

More Stuff


Okay, I'm going to write up a description of someone, and then I'm going to ask whether or not it's crazy he's single.

  • Graduated Engineer
  • Swing dancer
  • Physically fit / works out
  • Good at Math
  • Has people-skills
  • Good humoured, especially about stress
  • Good at being in charge of stuff
  • Has a nice, healthy, sane worldview
  • Balanced, or at least, good at juggling things
  • Not afraid to express himself
Kay, am I the only person who thinks it's crazy he's single?! I mean, if he were younger (or I were older and ready to settle down) and maybe if I liked guys more, and if he weren't one of my bosses, sort-of, I'd ask him out. Really, I would. He's a good guy--a good man.

One of my friends is in his Swing Dance class at the university, and he teaches. She says he seems shy, and he's one of the best dancers she's ever seen.

It's so strange, he's so faceted.

I really only see him on Saturdays when he's being a Principal and managing people and dealing with work-issues; or after dismissal when we chat briefly and he gives me tips on working out or "cheating" on a grip test.

And then I hear he's supposedly shy and a magnificent dancer.

I'm going with my friend tomorrow. I guess I'll see for myself.


I've always wanted to either dance or do martial arts. I've always just kinda felt physically inept, like I can't do anything with this body. Ha-ha, yes, and I'm in the Army, hilarious.

Jeffrey Buttle I love watching figure-skaters, especially when I was a kid. It seemed that the CBC always had some figure skating competition to cover every other weekend, and I'd watch these beautiful people perform fantastic movements on the ice.

More specifically, Jeffrey Buttle is fantastic! I love his energy, and the fact he uses his face, too. He does beautiful things with his body that I barely knew were possible! Also, he has an exquisite body!

I just feel that I should be doing more with my body; not just my mind. That's one of the reasons I joined the Army; because I want to do now what I won't be able to do when I'm older. Both my brothers are/were into Martial Arts and Lion Dancing.
Aside: My Brothers

I'm a little upset my brothers didn't raise me to be a geek or an athlete. Then again, I'm younger than them by nine or eleven years, so of course I couldn't hang out with them.

My eldest currently lives in Germany, and is currently working on his MBA. He picked up German pretty quickly, and then decided he wanted to learn Mandarin, so he took Mandarin classes--in German. Right now, he's visiting in China and Taiwan.

My second-eldest lives a few neighbourhoods over and is working for a company that got bought-out by Microsoft. It's kind-of funny, because he's all pro-FreeBSD, pro-Mac and used to be pro-Linux. I'm gold-farming for him in World of Warcraft.
Sleepy time.


Lots of Stuff and Polar Curves

The L Word

So I've started watching The L Word again. At the Rainbow Pride group in University, we started watching Season One The L Word once a week. I've just finished Season Two and have begun Season Three.

I love that this series exists, but I'm a little annoyed that they're mostly lipstick lesbians. Sigh. Same with Exes and Ohs.



Last year, James house-sat in the city for a week. Unfortunately for him, it was the week before exams, when everything was due; and he also caught a nasty bug. And, of course, this is the first time he'd, effectively, lived alone. No Mum, no siblings, not many nearby friends.

On his last day there, I came over to take care of him. I brought him garlic soup, which was a hasty and sloppy experiment involving green roasted garlic, sage, bay leaves and, did I mention garlic? It turned out decently, thankfully. I stayed overnight in the spare room.

Having a robust immune system, I didn't catch his bug that night.

Unfortunately, I later sprayed some artwork with a fixative, and inhaled some acetone. Acetone hurts my throat so bad. I slept fitfully that night, and my nose bled (from the acetone) into my throat (because I was asleep), and I awoke with one nostril entirely plugged and one bone dry, and a throat that felt as though it had been scraped with steel wool.

In comparison with what came next, this was nothing.

The fever started in the late evening, as I recall. It was warm, then cool; then hot, then freezing cold. And everything hurt. Anywhere that my skin was touched, it hurt. I went to wash my hands, and the water falling on my hands hurt. I tried sleeping, but my back was wrought with pain--and my joints! Man, I would really hate to be arthritic, if that was anything like it. All my joints hurt: when I moved and when I was still.

I think the lowest point was after I had fallen asleep a few hours.

I awoke, crying. And I thought, "WTF, why am I crying? Oh! I'm crying because I'm cold! OMG WHY AM I SO FUCKING COLD?!" and I ran upstairs, crying and shivering and sweating, to my mom.

From there, it got better. I was able to sleep, and the pain even went away, slowly but surely. From start to finish, this was about three nights.


Yesterday, I slept badly, and I think, once more, my nose bled backwards into my throat, because I awoke, today, with that same type of scraped-throat pain.

I'm not sure what happened, but I was sitting with my mom, talking about what groceries to get, and then she went off topic and talked about a bunch of other stuff. I'm not sure why, but I got really upset--even punched the wall--the metal part of the wall. And then I ran crying to my room.

Then I went to get groceries. Man, not good. I came back with a splitting headache, partly because I read the bus schedule wrong and went out half an hour early.

I'm not too bad now. Just trying to relax.

St Valentine's Day

A graph of a cardioid.  A polar curve: 'r = 1 - sin(T)'. St Valentine's Day is rapidly approaching.

There's this guy at work, he seems to be buddying-it-up with me, a bit. It's kinda cute. He's totally not my type--which reminds me! Mark asked me, "On a scale of 1 to 7, how sexy am I?" I said, if seven is the sexiest, he's a five. Then I asked the same question to him. He said, with my long hair, a five; but with my short hair, a three. He's totally not my target audience anyway :P.

I want to send Kevin flowers.

Not specifically Kevin, but I just feel like it would make someone's day, to receive a single, brightly-coloured flower--a gerber, maybe. Something about sending flowers just strikes me as...a beautiful thing to do, and that, the only possible way it could not make someone's day is if the person were allergic or didn't like the colour, or the person had nowhere to keep it.


Polar Curves

This is what I really wanted to talk about!

I recently got this program, Graph, which, as you might've guessed, is a graphing program! It's lovely! I'd donate if I had money!

To the right is a snapshot from Graph, of a cardioid, which is named thus because it looks something like a heart.

I graphed a bunch of other polar curves on this. Mostly, I made "flowers":

A polar curve, with seven 'petals' or 'leaflets'.  r=-sin(5T) * cos(6T) I also made this one, which looks something like a seven-leafleted plant. Sweet.

So, yeah. Polar Co-ordinates. Great stuff.

Off to sleep, hopefully.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Boobfest IV

Boobfest IV is up on my deviantArt now.

I'm not terribly happy with this one, but I needed to draw again. The colours are off, the skin didn't turn out as I'd wanted, the background is unintelligible and it's generally sloppy and less detailed.

A few things I did differently this time:

  • No reference picture used for the pose
  • The figure is not based on my appearance
  • This one has a background
  • This one has long hair (not me)
  • The body fades out instead of being cut off...

I keep the most recent Boobfest pieces together on my wall. I think IV looks much better when placed with the rest, than by itself.

I kind of want to put up a large sign that says, "WALL OF BOOBS" above them, but if I just fill the wall with boobs, that would be just as obvious.

And, speaking of boobs...

And, speaking of gratuitous...

I watched 300 with Kevin and Mark on Friday.

What is up with that movie?!

If you just watch the end credits, you've seen every fight scene. And if those 300 Spartans are all professional soldiers, why does their drill suck so bad?! And what kind of soldier THROWS his spear so early in ANY battle; and how fierce of a battle could it possibly be if you can actually RECLAIM the spear before it's over?!

Granted, Mark and I came in part-way through the movie, so if there was anything else to the storyline, we missed it.

The entire time, to the annoyance of everyone else, Mark and I were making snarky comments. Like, when Xerxes and Leonidas chat, and afterward Leonidas comes back to his men and is asked how the meeting went, Kevin said, "Oh, y'know, we talked, had coffee--" and I said, "--He put his hands on me and asked me to kneel..."

And--seriously, what is up with Gorgo? "It makes me more of a woman to crave your kingship! The only way for a woman to have power is to have sex with powerful men! I can manage to steal Theron's sword--in public--and run him through with it--in public! Because I'm a woman! Nobody will stop me!"

Before a battle, I'd say, "THE PERSIANS ARE COMING, THE PERSIANS ARE COMING!!" or "Don't you just love how this movie came out in, what, 2006?"

Well, it was fun, at least. And some of the fight choreography wasn't too bad, just... repetitive.

Then we brought out the game Catchphrase, where you try to get someone to say a word/phrase. It's like Taboo (without taboo words), and hot potato, because you don't want to get stuck with the word-wheel-thing when the timer goes. Great fun, especially when drunk!

Last time we played, we'd gotten into the booze. Eventually, Kevin started guessing every other word was Penis.

It was Mark's turn, and he said, "Kay, it's like, methane, and octopus," and Kevin shouted, "METHAPUS! ... PENIS!"

For the word "chopsticks", Mark said, "All Asians use them," and Kevin said, "GLASSES!"

And it was great fun.

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

Ice Skating

I learned how to ice-skate today!

More specifically, I got to practice stopping, which is something I'd never really practiced. I'd tried that "push out with your heels" thing, but I always ended up falling or slipping or something that wasn't that ice-scratching stop I was trying for.

Today was a very strange day, and I miss days like this.

Today, I woke up for church, and I wanted to cry. Last night, I don't know, I felt free--for even just a moment. It's amazing that I could forget I'm a human being and capable of creating art, or of expression or of something meaningful... And yet, I had forgotten. So, last night, when I was listening to my music--which I hadn't heard for months--and making sketches--something I hadn't done seriously for months--I realized how much I had lost.

I lost so much of myself when I moved up from the water damage. I lost my room--my computer with my writings, my journals, my morgue of pictures that brought me joy, my music... And to have it all back--that wasn't what made me cry. It was the thought: "I don't have time for that now, I need to get up early tomorrow" that made me cry.

I don't know what's happened these past months, but it scares me.

I went to church today, and the wife of one of the pastors, she came up to me and asked how I was. Mokai, my friend, has told me that she is a wonderful counsellor, and I believed him, but in a "head knowledge" type of way.

She came up to me after the service, and asked me how's life, how's my mom, my dad. I told her I'm running three jobs, at least one of which is terribly unsatisfying. I told her about Dad's leg, and that I didn't know much about it (because I try not to think about it so that I can go to work the next day without crying--but I didn't tell her that).

And then she prayed for me. She had even forgotten my name, and yet she still knew my face enough to know that I hadn't been here for a month, and that something must be up. After she said Amen, I looked up and thanked her, and then had to leave because I was starting to cry.

I went downstairs to the washroom, and tried to cry soundlessly. It felt awful--crying silently in the far bathroom stall in the basement of my church. I decided I needed to cry properly--which wouldn't have been possible, since I was scheduled to work today.

I called in sick.

"I'm not feeling well," I told the scheduler.
"Get better," he said to me.

I went to Mark's house.

I called him first, and although I knew I was intruding, it's technically his house, so as long as I'm not intruding on him, I'm not intruding. It was so good for me. I just sat and cried, and cried, for about half an hour. He'd play piano or watch TV or throw cats at me. "They're very comforting," he said, and he was right.

We went to an outdoor hockey rink and his brother took shots on him while I tried to skate.

I've ice-skated before. Twice. It's like roller-skating, but you can slip. And where roller-skating has wheels and friction, ice-skating has blades and considerably less friction!

The first time I ice-skated was with James, while we were dating. To his credit, he did all he could to teach me; but he's not a very good teacher for me. I didn't know how to stop, so every time I wanted to stop, I'd just glide into a snowbank and start walking until I felt my momentum die down.

I learned something about myself today.

I learned I was afraid to fall.

Mark's brother seems to glide naturally on the ice (of course, when you play hockey, I guess that skating is the last thing you should need to think about). And I saw him fall!

I got over myself--my fear of falling. I mean, what the fuck, it's ice, and I'm wearing a fucking ski jacket! It's not going to fucking hurt that much!

So I kept my eyes on some of the parents who were teaching their young ones to skate. At least two were extremely good: natural and even a little showy, as if to demonstrate to their kids that skating is fun and exciting and full of impressive tricks; and also to instruct. I liked that.

There was this one little girl in a baby pink jacket who was also trying to learn how to stop. She was skating around, falling over; and at one point, she called to her guardians, "Look, I can stop now!" as she sat awkwardly on the ice.

The one method of stopping that I wanted most to try was pivoting on the toe, and sliding the heels out by 90 degrees and coming to a full halt. I knew that wasn't going to happen immediately, but I also recalled another method where the skater is going forward, and then suddenly swings around 180 degrees, the skates describing a circle, and stops. I wanted to try a combination of both.

Most fortunately for me, by this time, everyone else had left, so I had half the rink to myself! I can't count how many times I fell, but it was so worth it.

I realized that I had been afraid of scratching the ice; like if I put my skates that way, I'd simply fall over instead of halting. And sometimes I wouldn't even be trying to halt, because I was scared that trying to stop would make me fall over--so I'd be only changing directions or only slowing down, instead! What dumb fears!

By the time Mark and his family were ready to leave, I had gotten the gist of stopping. Mark had fallen over from exhaustion (it's normal, he says), so I skated over to him and halted. Oh man that felt good.

"You can stop now? Let me see!" he managed.

I skated around and stopped by him. I was so happy!

[post abandoned]

Friday, February 1, 2008


What means "gay"?

Ask around, and you'll get so many different answers.

"Gay means you like men, if you're a man."
"Gay means you fart rainbows."
"Gay means YOU'RE A FAG!"
"Gay means you like people of the same sex."
"Gay means you like people of the same gender."
"Gay means you're a homosexual."
"Gay means you want to have sex with a man, if you're a man."

Truthfully, I'm not really sure what gay means, either. It has something to do with liking someone of the same sex or gender. It gets blurry when you add in things like trans-gendered people, trans-sexual people, actions, history, preference... But, in the broadest sense, it means a same-sex or same-gender attraction.

Does being gay mean you're physically attracted to the same sex or gender (for the purposes of brevity, I'll just say one or the other from now on)? Not necessarily. It's totally possible to have a purely emotional bond.

Here's another way to think of it. There's a celibate holy man who has no physical desires for women nor men. Is he gay? Is he straight? I don't know!

I like to call myself gay sometimes and generally use the word gay very loosely
. I also like to use the word lesbian, but gay is more hilarious. Rush Hour Three was gay!

Honestly, aside from a few general guidelines, these word--gay, bi, lesbian, gender, sex, trans-gendered, trans-sexual, gender-queer, lesbi-bi, curly... They're not well-defined, and their meanings really just depend on what you decide they mean to you.

If someone asks me whether or not I'm gay, I might simplify things by saying, "Yeah." And if they're cerebral enough to realize that wasn't a very descriptive answer, they'll follow-up with, "What does it mean to be gay?", whereupon I'll tell them what it means for me, myself, to be gay.

It means I like women. I love women's bodies. I love the way women can think, feel, and generally live in the world. I'm physically attracted to women. I feel a deeper connection with certain women, and the idea of powerful or empowered women.

It means I'm not overly feminine. I like wearing neck ties. I like wearing men's suits and blazers and jackets. I like passing as a man when I go to the symphony. I like being given the key to the men's toilet when I ask to use the restroom.

It means I like men--a little. Mostly, I like certain men, or have liked certain men. And I don't believe that my like or love for them was any less real because of my being gay. I could love another man. But I could love a woman in the same ways.

It means I love the Queer community. Lesbians are amazing--they'll bake you cookies and lift heavy objects! Gay men are quaint and inspiring. And everyone, on any part of the "spectrum" (rainbow) is beautiful and lovely and wonderful! Everyone has a story. Everyone brings his or her story and qualities and questions and experiences to the community.

When I talk about "being gay", I'm not just talking about my attraction for women--or any one lone part. It's so much more than that three-letter word. It's a part of who I am--and this is more what people mean when they say, "I identify as ______." It's part of who you are.

I am Charissa, and I am a Rainbow Person
I am Bisexual
I am Gender-Queer
I am Curly
I am Queer
I am Gay Sometimes
I am Charissa!