The L Word
So I've started watching The L Word again. At the Rainbow Pride group in University, we started watching Season One The L Word once a week. I've just finished Season Two and have begun Season Three.
I love that this series exists, but I'm a little annoyed that they're mostly lipstick lesbians. Sigh. Same with Exes and Ohs.
Last year, James house-sat in the city for a week. Unfortunately for him, it was the week before exams, when everything was due; and he also caught a nasty bug. And, of course, this is the first time he'd, effectively, lived alone. No Mum, no siblings, not many nearby friends.
On his last day there, I came over to take care of him. I brought him garlic soup, which was a hasty and sloppy experiment involving green roasted garlic, sage, bay leaves and, did I mention garlic? It turned out decently, thankfully. I stayed overnight in the spare room.
Having a robust immune system, I didn't catch his bug that night.
Unfortunately, I later sprayed some artwork with a fixative, and inhaled some acetone. Acetone hurts my throat so bad. I slept fitfully that night, and my nose bled (from the acetone) into my throat (because I was asleep), and I awoke with one nostril entirely plugged and one bone dry, and a throat that felt as though it had been scraped with steel wool.
In comparison with what came next, this was nothing.
The fever started in the late evening, as I recall. It was warm, then cool; then hot, then freezing cold. And everything hurt. Anywhere that my skin was touched, it hurt. I went to wash my hands, and the water falling on my hands hurt. I tried sleeping, but my back was wrought with pain--and my joints! Man, I would really hate to be arthritic, if that was anything like it. All my joints hurt: when I moved and when I was still.
I think the lowest point was after I had fallen asleep a few hours.
I awoke, crying. And I thought, "WTF, why am I crying? Oh! I'm crying because I'm cold! OMG WHY AM I SO FUCKING COLD?!" and I ran upstairs, crying and shivering and sweating, to my mom.
From there, it got better. I was able to sleep, and the pain even went away, slowly but surely. From start to finish, this was about three nights.
Yesterday, I slept badly, and I think, once more, my nose bled backwards into my throat, because I awoke, today, with that same type of scraped-throat pain.
I'm not sure what happened, but I was sitting with my mom, talking about what groceries to get, and then she went off topic and talked about a bunch of other stuff. I'm not sure why, but I got really upset--even punched the wall--the metal part of the wall. And then I ran crying to my room.
Then I went to get groceries. Man, not good. I came back with a splitting headache, partly because I read the bus schedule wrong and went out half an hour early.
I'm not too bad now. Just trying to relax.
St Valentine's Day

There's this guy at work, he seems to be buddying-it-up with me, a bit. It's kinda cute. He's totally not my type--which reminds me! Mark asked me, "On a scale of 1 to 7, how sexy am I?" I said, if seven is the sexiest, he's a five. Then I asked the same question to him. He said, with my long hair, a five; but with my short hair, a three. He's totally not my target audience anyway :P.
I want to send Kevin flowers.
Not specifically Kevin, but I just feel like it would make someone's day, to receive a single, brightly-coloured flower--a gerber, maybe. Something about sending flowers just strikes me as...a beautiful thing to do, and that, the only possible way it could not make someone's day is if the person were allergic or didn't like the colour, or the person had nowhere to keep it.
Polar Curves

I recently got this program, Graph, which, as you might've guessed, is a graphing program! It's lovely! I'd donate if I had money!
To the right is a snapshot from Graph, of a cardioid, which is named thus because it looks something like a heart.
I graphed a bunch of other polar curves on this. Mostly, I made "flowers":

So, yeah. Polar Co-ordinates. Great stuff.
Off to sleep, hopefully.
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